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What are the benefits for site owners?

Wimob allows site owners to make editorial decisions about what enhanced content to display and then to deploy it as easily as downloading to a mobile phone using Bluetooth, Infrared or USB. This leads to greater visitor satisfaction and a satisfied visitor is more likely to come back.

For example:

  • With the Wimob Add-on the site owner makes the website content available and adapted to more than 1.000 different mobile phone model devices
  • Wimob Add-on may provide to website owners automatic web content adaptation to mobile phone features for videos, images, audios MP3, Instant Win Competitions, Branded Mini Web Browser applications, 2D codes, Agenda, etc.
  • When installing the Wimob Add-on in your website, the Wimob Internet user application will show and play all the website content ready to download to the Internet user’s mobile phone and may also enable the application to interact with the user’s mobile phone to upload user generated mobile content, surveys, comments, etc.
  • Developers may also customize the interaction experience with the Internet user through the Wimob Internet user application. Developers may introduce look and feel inspired with their brand and website, and they may even decide to have different application skins depending on the website page or content to download from the web to the mobile
  • The Website owner will have access to statistics about the number of downloads to mobile phones

Application examples

Frequently Asked Questions

Advertisers: You just want to insert your ads on Wimob user pop-up?

Wimob™ for Publishers & Bloggers

Make your web content available to mobile phones!

Adding Wimob to your Website or Blog allows you to upgrade the user experience by making your content ubiquitous and present on the mobile phones of your potential customers, community or Internet users.

You will multiply your impact when they show it later to their friends and watch it again wherever they are.

Make your website content available and adapted to a worldwide audience of more than 1.000 different mobile phone model devices by installing in a very easy way the Wimob Suite for free.

Wimob also provides a Software Suite for Developers to create and manage your Wimob content, with different customization and content adaptation options. It's a complete system designed to help you to get more from your site providing valuable mobile content for your website users.

You will have access as well to Statistics about the downloads registered for each of your Wimob contents, with the date & time, website and content.

How does it work?

  • Register and install Wimob Suite on your PC.
  • Use our Wimob Suite to create the Wimob content for your website.
  • Click on Publish and a directory will be created with the content translated to 1000 mobile phones format, prepared for your web-users future downloads.
  • Publishing the Wimob content on your website, it will be marked with the Wimob icon. Users are then able to download it.
  • Use the Wimob Suite to monitor the statistics of your visitors downloads and to manage different contents on different webs.